
Magyia online prescription glasses are always designed with the latest fashion trends. We strongly believe that your prescription glasses are not purely utilitarian, like many optical shops claim. For us the prescription glasses are as important a fashion detail as your shoes, clothes or bags. That is why we focus on delivering you with high quality & fashionable eyewear. Naturally our focus is on giving your eyes what they need; our affordable prescription glasses can be customized with your specific needs for near or farsighted vision, for progressive lenses, photochromatic feature and you can of course make them thinner if you want a more sleek look. It’s all up to you, as we offer every frame for everyone; no more limiting prescription glasses for women or prescription glasses for men, it's time to live up to the modern century needs!

How can online prescription glasses be this cheap? Well, we prefer to call it affordable as we do offer premium quality! The reason why our glasses are affordable is because we have cut the 3-5 middlemen that you normally have in the process of buying expensive glasses at optical stores. Moreover, we don't like to overcharge you to take a 400% profit on each item. We believe in a win-win concept; you get your favorite prescription glasses at the right price and we get a fair profit to provide for our families. Sounds like a fair deal, doesn't it?